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공모전 대외활동 정보

GIC 2018 글로벌 이노베이션 콘테스트
조회수 : 2,499
GIC 2018 글로벌 이노베이션 콘테스트
  • 분야
  • 응모대상
  • 주최/주관 LG화학
  • 후원/협찬
  • 접수기간 2018-06-18 ~ 2018-09-30 D+2,029
  • 총 상금 5천만원이상
  • 1등 상금
  • 홈페이지 http://www.rnd.lgchem.com/global/gic
  • 첨부파일 파일없음
  • 페이스북 트위터 카카오톡 URL복사 메일보내기 인쇄
※ 본 내용은 참고 자료입니다. 반드시 주최사 홈페이지의 일정 및 상세 내용을 확인하세요.
GIC 2018 글로벌 이노베이션 콘테스트
Global Innovation Contest

■ GIC2018 Timeline
- June.18th ~Sept.30th, 2018 : Submission of Proposal online
- Oct.1st~Nov.30th, 2018 : Evaluation of Proposal
- Dec. , 2018 : Announcement of Nominated Proposals
- March. 30th , 2019 : Finish Signing of Contract

■ Contest Theme
Participants are encouraged to send proposals in Energy, Environment, Bio, Functional Materials, Platform Technology as well as other areas that need innovative solutions.

■ Proposal Submission
All applicants must submit 3 documents online (1. Research Proposal 2. Research Agreement 3. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information) The size of each file cannot go over 10MB. 
Click on the Apply button and fill in the related information. You may upload the documents in the guided format. After clicking on 'Submit' button, you cannot revise. 
We will send you an automatic e-mail of confirmation after you submit your proposal.

■ Proposal Evaluation
Relevant porsonnel from each business division will review the submitted proposals according to internal criteria.

■ Announcement of Nominated Proposals and Contract
We will announce the Proposal Evaluation results by e-mail. 
The nominated proposals should go through contract signing process with LG Chem. 
The deadline of signing of contract is end of March, 2019.

■ Research Project Operation
Projects will start after signing contract. 
LG will fund each project a maximum of 150,000 USD per year. 
The duration of the project can be extended after reviewing the outcomes of the projects. 
Each project leader has an obligation to provide progress reports at regular intervals during the contract period.

■ Personal Information
LG Chem. adheres to Personal Information Protection Act of Korea as well as relevant laws and regulations. 
LG Chem will require the Participant’s consent before it collects personal information for the management of GIC program. 
If the Participant does not consent to LG Chem collecting and handling such information, LG Chem will not be able to evaluate the Participant’s application for LG GIC.
본 정보의 사실 여부를 보증하지 않습니다.
반드시 주최사 홈페이지의 공모요강을 확인하시기 바랍니다.