Wevity 왼쪽 배경 Wevity 오른쪽 배경 퀵메뉴
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고객센터 wevity@gmail.com

공모전 대외활동 정보

에르메스 국제 스카프 디자인 공모전
조회수 : 4,486
에르메스 국제 스카프 디자인 공모전
  • 분야
  • 응모대상
  • 주최/주관 에르메스
  • 후원/협찬
  • 접수기간 2019-03-08 ~ 2019-05-31 D+1,784
  • 총 상금 1천만원이하
  • 1등 상금 € 5,000
  • 홈페이지 https://www.hermes.com
  • 첨부파일 파일없음
  • 페이스북 트위터 카카오톡 URL복사 메일보내기 인쇄
※ 본 내용은 참고 자료입니다. 반드시 주최사 홈페이지의 일정 및 상세 내용을 확인하세요.
에르메스 국제 스카프 디자인 공모전

■ 접수기간 : 2019.3.8 ~ 2019.5.31

■ Phase 1
- 8th March – 31st May 2019: Registration
 Candidates register on the Designboom website. They create and fill out a profile containing their personal details, and examples of their previous work.
 After examining the applications, the Hermès jury will pick around 100 of them. The selected candidates will be informed by email towards mid-July 2019.

■ Phase 2 
Mid-July – Mid-September 2019: Presentation of scarf projects
The selected candidates then present their scarf design project composed of:
 - A short text setting out the theme of the design (250 words maximum),
 - A sketch of the overall composition,
 - One or several details to allow the jury to assess the quality of the drawing.
Around 10 candidates are selected by the Hermès jury. They will be informed by email towards mid-October 2019.

■ Phase 3 
Mid-October 2019 – Mid-January 2020: Production of a final design to scale
The selected candidates are invited to spend two days at Hermès, in Paris, during November 2019. Following this period of immersion, they will finalise their scarf design to scale (90 x 90 cm), to be ready by Mid-January 2020 at the latest.
The Hermès jury will designate one to three winners, whose names will be disclosed on 1st March 2020, then published on the Designboom website.

■ Candidates 
This competition is intended for draughtsmen, illustrators, graphic designers, artists and designers from around the world, whether professional or amateur, with no restrictions concerning training, techniques, etc. They must have attained the age of majority in their own country.

■ Prize
The competition winners will each receive €5,000 excluding taxes (see point 1 below), corresponding to the purchase of the original artwork for their design.

■ Jury
- The jury is composed of members of Hermès’ artistic direction and silk department.

■ Selection criteria
The design of the scarf can be created exclusively by hand or using computer graphics. The two techniques may also be combined.
Applications are assessed based on the following criteria: clarity of the proposal; quality of the composition; relevance of the narrative; accuracy of any historical or cultural references; skill of execution and ability to merge innovation with tradition.

■ How to Enter / Deadline for registration
Registration is NOW OPEN for the competition. It must be completed by Friday May 31st, 2019 23:59 (CET).

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