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왓츠 유어 스토리(What's Your Story) UCC 공모전
조회수 : 2,922
왓츠 유어 스토리(What's Your Story) UCC 공모전
  • 분야
  • 응모대상
  • 주최/주관 트렌드마이크로
  • 후원/협찬
  • 접수기간 2018-02-06 ~ 2018-04-17 D+2,199
  • 총 상금 3천만원~1천만원
  • 1등 상금 € 2,000
  • 홈페이지 https://whatsyourstory.trendmicro.ie/official-rules-video-poster-competition/
  • 첨부파일 파일없음
  • 페이스북 트위터 카카오톡 URL복사 메일보내기 인쇄
※ 본 내용은 참고 자료입니다. 반드시 주최사 홈페이지의 일정 및 상세 내용을 확인하세요.
안전한 인터넷의 날(Safer Internet Day) 동영상 공모전
왓츠 유어 스토리(What's Your Story) UCC 공모전

■ The 2018 What’s Your Story? competition is now open for entries and here’s what you need to know: 
Create and upload a 2 minute video on the question that we ask, then spread the word to get as many views, ratings and comments as you can. Entries with the highest views and ratings get shortlisted for our judges who decide the winners. You must be registered on the site to view, rate and comment on each entry (once only per entry).  You must be 8 years old or over to enter. You can enter as an individual or a school or a youth group. If you’re under 16, you will need parental/guardian approval – but don’t worry, our online registration process on this website will guide you.

■ Answer this Question:
- How do you know who and what to trust online?
There are more reasons than ever before to question what we see online: whether it’s a news story with a surprising headline, a video that can’t possibly be real, a strange pop-up or a peculiar message from a friend or complete stranger.

While the internet is a great resource, it’s getting harder to tell who and what we can trust online. That puts all of us at a greater risk of trolls, hackers, deceptive advertisers, people spreading false information; encouraging bad behaviour online and of course; strangers that want to befriend us.

The good news? We can all learn how to identify trusted sources online, how to spot potentially fake websites/news/scams and how to deal with strangers who may not be who they say they are.

So many good things are possible because of the internet. It’s useful, entertaining, it connects us to others far away, it’s amazing. But like anything else, it’s imperfect. And now more than ever, there’s a greater risk of the internet being more toxic than it is healthy for us.

There are still many, many more of us who use the internet in positive, harmless, or productive ways. So, it all starts with each of us taking an action, however small, every time we’re online. You can help by sharing your tips or ideas on how to figure out what and who you can trust online.

Have an answer? Then tell us your story! 

Be funny. Be dramatic. Be creative. Use live action, stop action, animation, original music or none. Whatever you do, be real.

And don’t stop there. You’ve got to let as many people as you can see your video and hear your message.
While you could possibly win one of our great cash prizes, we may also include some of the most helpful and creative entries to share with the world. Your online privacy is important to us, please read our privacy policy.

■ The Prizes:
There will be one overall winner and six category winners. Thats a total of  €8,000!

- Overall winner will receive €2,000

The winning video entry could be an individual or a school or a youth group.

-The following category winners will each receive €1,000

8-12 yrs: 3 winners  (This will be awarded to an individual and a school and a youth group)

13+ yrs: 3 winners  (This will be awarded to an individual and a school and a youth group)

■ Dates To Remember:
February 6th 2018: Competition launch
April 17th 2018: Last date to upload your entry
May 1st 2018: Last date to rate and comment on all entries
May 4th 2018: Judging period will begin
Mid May 2018: The winners will be announced

■ Your film entry must be:
your own original work
Please be respectful of copyrights and of others. Make sure you have permission to use other people’s music, company logos, images, or photos. For more tips on this, check out our Useful Info page
in one of the following formats: .wmv, .mov or .mp4
a minimum of 30 seconds and a maximum of 2 minutes in length
a maximum of 100 MB in size.
We can’t stress it enough; please read the official rules for a lot more details. Best of luck!

■ What do I do after I upload my video?
Get the word out to your friends and family! Winning this competition includes getting people to view and rate your video, as well as the input of the judging panel. So don’t waste time.  Once your video is up on the competition site, share it through social media, or just get the word out however you usually do. The sooner the better!

Really important: You have to be logged onto the website to rate and comment on entries. Only one rating per entry is permitted. 
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